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Here you will find the information on our climbing courses and climbing holidays. Our Climbing Holidays are designed to suit your needs and the needs of your group.

Learning to climb with Ed Introduction to climbing: This course is designed to introduce novices to the basic skills needed to start climbing.

What we cover: The course covers everything from basic movement skills, tying in, choosing equipment, belaying and of course you will even get to climb.

Experience: None needed. 


Duration: 1.5hrs

Half day climbing sessions: This course is an extension of the introduction to climbing sessions and is designed to give clients to get as much climbing as possible



Learn to climb in a weekend: This two day course is designed to take you from novice climber to competent climber.

What we cover: This course will cover movement skills, rope work, equipment, placing gear, safety, communication, learning to lead and all of the skills needed to help you lead your first routes.

Experience: To have climbed before with a desire to learn.

Minimum requirements: Two clients.


Climbing holidays: Our Climbing holidays can last for 2 days or more and can include single pitch climbing as well as multi pitch climbing. Venues can include Glencoe, Ben Nevis, the Cairngorms and the English Lake District.

The package includes accommodation and transport throughout the course.

What we cover: Our climbing holidays are designed to take you from being a novice climber to leading your first routes on single pitch and multi pitch routes. We cover equipment, ropework, stance management, belaying, placing gear, communication and much more.

Price 1: £550pp for 5 days inc 4 nights accommodation

Price 2: £350pp for 5 days without accommodation.

Contact: 07791 545934